
Chivas Brothers Gender Pay Gap Report 2022


In this 5th edition of our Gender Pay Gap Report, we outline our figures from 2022 and share details on some of the progress we’ve made in building a business and work culture where all employees can thrive.

Our latest pay gap report is based on data from April 2021 to April 2022, which shows that our workforce is 32% female, consistent with the Scotch industry. Our mean gender pay gap is 5.48%, and we have closed 3% of our median gender pay gap in the past three years, putting us at a median of 7.02%.

At Chivas Brothers, our vision is to open up to shape the future of whisky and we remain deeply committed to the values of inclusivity and diversity. We’re proud to say that our gender pay gap in 2022 is the lowest it has ever been at Chivas Brothers; this is a milestone that testifies to the effort we have put into reducing the gap and puts us on the right track to eliminate the gap in coming years.

Of particular note is the progress made in increasing female representation in leadership positions in our manufacturing department which is historically male-dominated across the Scotch industry. Women now make up 33% of leaders in manufacturing (+10% from July 2020) and we are on track to reach 40% by 2025 and 50% by 2030.

Although our gender pay gap is significantly lower than the UK average (13.9% mean / 14.6% median), we do not consider our work to be finished. We remain steadfast in our mission for better representation of women in our business and in the wider Scotch industry, understanding that diverse opinions and perspectives will only make us a stronger organisation moving forward.


Please click here to view our Gender Pay Gap 2022 report in full.

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