
Chivas Brothers Gender Pay Gap Report 2021


At Chivas Brothers we remain deeply committed to building a business that values inclusivity and diversity and therefore reducing and eliminating the pay gap continues to be a priority for us.

In this 4th edition of the Gender Pay Gap report, we outline our figures for 2021 and share details on some of the steps we are taking as a business to create and nurture a work culture where every employee can thrive.

We’re encouraged by the progress made in the last year with reductions in our median pay gap and an increase in female representation in the upper middle quartile pay range. These improvements are the result of the emphasis we’ve placed on supporting women to rise to positions of leadership across the business.

  • The gap in mean pay between men and women narrowed between 2020 and 2021 (6.69% in 2021 vs 7.3% in 2020), against a national average of 15.4% according to the Office for National Statistics.
  • Our median gender pay gap has also improved (7.25% in 2021 vs 10.8% in 2020), which compares favourably to the UK average of 15.4% in 2021 (ONS), but we acknowledge that there is still plenty of room for improvement in continuing to narrow – and ultimately close – the median pay gap between men and women.
  • Notable also, is the increase in women in the upper-middle pay quartile, from 17% in 2020 to 23.4% in 2021. This is an effect of the talent pool pipeline we’ve put in place which has resulted in more women moving into more senior and higher-paid roles across the business.

We have taken great strides to achieve that ambition over the last few years but understand we need to do more to become a more inclusive employer, including initiatives to improve the employee journey and employee experience, which you can read through the link to our 2021 Gender Pay Gap report.


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